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Select which city or chapter this kitty is listed under. Check their listing if you are unsure. If you do not have a specific kitty in mind, select the city closest to you. Yorba Linda Rancho Cucamonga Fullerton Whittier Diamond Bar Chino Hills
Your Full Name *
Are you over the age of 21? * Select Yes No
Please tell us why would you like to adopt this particular kitty(s)? If you do not have a particular kitty in mind, please describe the type of kitty you are looking for *
Home Address (Including apartment, unit, or lot number) *
City *
State *
Complex/ Community Name (Example: Countrywood Apartments)
Email *
Phone Number *
Secondary Phone Number
Please list the names of all adults over 18 living in the household, AND their relationship to you. *
Please list the ages of any children under the age of 18 in the home, AND their relationship to you: *
Are all ADULTS in the home aware that you are applying for a new cat or kitten? Are they 100% onboard with bringing home a new kitty? (This includes roommates, spouse, housemates, siblings, homeowners, parents, etc...) *
Occupations of all adults in the home, including yourself: *
How long have you lived in your current home? *
Are you the homeowner or on the Lease or Rental Agreement? (**If you are not the homeowner or on the lease or rental agreement, please STOP and have someone who is the homeowner, renter or lessee complete the application**) * Select Yes, I am the Homeowner Yes, I am on the Lease or Rental Agreement No, I am not the homeowner or on a lease or rental agreement
What best describes your home? * Select Apartment Mobile Home Townhome House Renting a Room
What is the approximate square footage of your home? (If you are unsure you can find this information on Zillow or through your property manager.) *
IF YOU RENT, may contact your landlord? Select Yes No
IF YOU RENT, please provide Landlord or Complex Name & Phone number
Cats in Need may request a home visit before approving an adoption application. Would you be okay with one of our volunteers stopping by for a short visit? * Select Yes No
Who will be the primary caregiver for the new kitty? *
Please list all animals currently living in the home, INLCUDING name, species, sex, age, whether spayed or neutered, and one or two descriptive words *
What other pets have you owned in the past 10 years? Please provide details if the pets are no longer with you *
Have you had any current or previously owned cats declawed? * Select Yes No Not Applicable
Do you plan to declaw your new kitty(s)? * Select Yes No Maybe
Out of 100%, approximately how much of its time will the kitty spend INDOORS? *
Out of 100%, approximately how much of its time will the kitty spend OUTDOORS? *
Use this space to provide any notes or clarity on the areas the kitty will have access to:
Do you have a dog or cat door? * Select Yes No
If yes, where does it lead?
Where will the litterbox(es) be kept? *
Where will the kitty be allowed to sleep? *
On an average day/ week, approximately how many hours might the kitty(s) be home alone? *
Have you ever had to rehome a pet or relinquish a pet? * Select Yes No
If yes, please explain:
The average cat can live 15-20+ years. A lot can happen in this time, including moving, breakups, divorce, pregnancy, loss of job or income, moving out of the state, moving out of the country, elderly family members moving into the home, etc... Think ahead to the next 15+ years. Under what circumstances would you not be able to keep this/ these kitty(s) and might consider returning or rehoming them. *
Cats have been known to claw furniture, chew shoes, dig holes, climb drapes, eat plants, jump on counters, etc. How do you plan to deal with these problems? How have you dealt with them in the past? *
Please list any behaviors you would find unacceptable in your new kitty(s) and what would happen if these behaviors arise? *
Allergies are one of the top reasons cats are returned. Have the allergies of EVERYONE in the home (including young children) been tested? * Select Yes No
Is anyone in the home allergic to cats? * Select Yes No I'm not sure
If yes to the above, please briefly explain how you plan to manage the allergy
If anyone in the home BECOMES allergic to cats, or someone with an allergy moves-in, what will happen to the kitty? What steps would be taken? *
Pregnancies and new babies are one of the top reasons cats are returned. If someone in the home becomes pregnant, or there is a new baby in the home, what will happen to the kitty? *
Are you aware that cats need routine veterinary care, including annual vaccines and dental care? Are you prepared to provide all routine care for your new kitty? * Select Yes No I'm not sure
Who is your current Veterinarian and/or the Veterinarian you plan to use for the new kitty? *
How did you hear about our organization? * Select Google Facebook Petfinder Adopt-A-Pet Petsmart Word of Mouth
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?